It's Your Business

But you've got no business doing it

We’re never gonna survive unless we are a little crazy

I was listening to a podcast with no name.

They had very clickbaity guests on: a pair of women in the holistic feminine care business.

It also helped that they were both called Sarah.

I entered the listening experience none the wiser about these Sarahs or their operations.

But the more I listened, the more I couldn’t help but wonder what their qualifications in this intimate matter were.

They didn’t say anything about going to med school in their introductions.

Nor did they provide any credentials before suggesting that women who suspected they suffered from the common yeast infection should insert a boric acid suppository into their hoo-hahs.

As I do during such moments of uncertainty, I rushed to the comment section to see if I was the only one who felt these women had no business doing their business.

A very profitable and well-known business, at that.

Prudence was seemingly the only one whose thinking aligned with mine:

Some parts of the episode were very educative but please let's do some research before encourage ladies using boric acid or rather let's take some information with a pinch of salt.

It was starting to feel like Prudence and I were just yucking the Sarahs’ yums.

Obviously not girls’ girls, us.

What do their tens of thousands of followers and numerous positive testimonials know that we don’t?

In addition to the yeast slayers that the whole episode seemed to revolve around, Sarah & Sarah sell:

  • Premium (price) pads and panty liners

  • Lubricants cleverly called “slippery elm”

  • Suppositories (the tablets that require insertion)

  • An impressive assortment of probiotics and supplements

And a recent foray into men’s supplements treating a wide range of issues.

It all seems on the up and up.

Their website is functional and well-designed.

Their social media pages capture and keep attention.

And better, they’ve got the innumerable stellar reviews we’re always begging our clients to leave us in public.

jingle all the way christmas movies GIF

So what’s my issue with the Sarahs?

As I thought more and more about the little issue of their being, at best, self-proclaimed armchair experts in feminine healthcare, I discovered I’m surprisingly okay with their business.

The women saw a gap in the market and moved heaven and earth to fill it.

Women’s health is an oft-ignored topic of discussion, even among women.

Doctors, our presumably best option when trouble comes knocking, are:

  • expensive,

  • sometimes unavailable, and

  • sometimes wrinkly old men you’d be too nervous to tell about your pink-green discharge and associated odor.

The Sarahs, on the other hand, are girls’ girls.

Women who created a solution to a problem women face.

As far as I can tell, they’ve helped hundreds, if not thousands, of XXs who’d alternatively be stinking in silence.

No lab coat required.

Can’t hate the player. (Though I still refuse to spend twice as much for five-sixths of the pads.)

Dakota calls it mental masturbation, which is such an apt description.

Stocking up on infinite knowledge in the hopes that you’ll one day have read or watched or learned enough to take that first step towards building your business.

And make no mistake:

Freelancing is as much a business as, idk, selling slippery eel elm supplements on the internet.

But while you wait to be “perfectly equipped” to take that leap, someone else with not nearly as much initial endowment has already started.

They’ve started dumb.

They’ve started scared.

They’ve started unique.

Even the most qualified doctor doesn’t know exactly how to help you.

Doctors are professional guessers.


  • note your symptoms

  • run some tests

  • recall their knowledge & experience

Still, after all that. the best they can do is apply the “best guess method” to suggest a treatment plan.

One that may or may not work, but at least they tried.

Guessing is necessary when there’s insufficient information.

While we’re waiting for the technology that’ll enable us to map everyone’s unique genetic makeup and communicate directly with their organs, doctors gotta doctor.

And Sarahs gotta Sarah.

Patients’ (sex) lives are on the line.

Keep Freeing Right,

Hope. :)


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